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Research on Gender-based Violence and Masculinities in China : Quantitative Findings

This study was led by UNFPA China with technical support from Partners for Prevention (P4P), a UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV Asia-Paci c Regional Joint Programme for Gender-based V...

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Annual Report

the State of World Population 2013

When a girl becomes pregnant, her present and future change radically,and rarely for the better. Her education may end, her job prospects evaporate, and her vulnerabilities to pove...

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state of world population 2013

Girls under 15 account for 2 million of the annual total of 7.3 million new adolescent mothers; if current trends continue, the number of births to girls under 15 could rise ...

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Realizing the Potential annual report 2013

At the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994, 179 governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action to deliver a more equal, sustainable world. ...

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Facts and Figures on Children using Census data (2013)

Facts and Figures on Children using Census data (2013)

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Sex ratio at birth Advocacy Toolkit 2013

Imbalanced SRB in China has grown continuously over the past 30 years, from 107.6 male live births per 100 females in 1982 to 120.5 in 2005, with a slight drop in 2010 to 117.948 ....

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UNFPA China Annual Report 2013

Everyone counts and everyone should be counted. UNFPA continues to support one of its key national partners - National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - and its subnational branch...

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2013 Population Ageing in China Facts and Figures

Population ageing refers to a process whereby a population ages, i.e. the proportion of older persons in the population increases relative to that of younger persons, and the popul...

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UNFPA China Annual Report 2013

Everyone counts and everyone should be counted. UNFPA continues to support one of its key national partners - National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - and its subnational branch...

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