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Creating a truly equitable society is a long-term process. Nevertheless,through the collection and analysis of disaggregated data,UNFPA can identify groups that are consistently ma...

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Responding to Emergencies across Asia and the Pacific

Asia-Pacific is the most disaster-prone region in the world. It is also home to a number of long-running conflicts that exact a human toll. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFP...

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UNFPA-Government of China Eighth Country Programme (2016-2020)

The year 2016 is the beginning of the Eighth Country Programme in China. The programme is aligned with current national priorities outlined in the 13th ...

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Disparities among Older Persons in China

China’s population is experiencing a rapid transition towards a greater proportion and number of older persons. China shows a relatively good comparative position in terms of...

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UNFPA Humanitarian Action 2016 Overview

Today, more than 75 percent of people affected by humanitarian crises are women and children. And adolescents aged 10-19 years constitute  a significant proportion of the popu...

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Expenditures in Sichuan and Fujian Executive Summary

This study was conducted jointly by the China National Health Development Research Center (CNHDRC) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). As the first of its kind in China...

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UNFPA - Government of China Seventh Country Programme

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has assisted China since 1979, playing a catalytic role in introducing quality standards for a voluntary reproductive health approach i...

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Women Who Lost Their Only Child in China and Their Family Status Facts and Figures 2015

China has implemented the family planning policy since the 1980s. Population who followed the policy in early years are now at their middle and old ages and families who lost their...

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Social Services Should be Provided to Urban Residential Population

Urbanization is a process where population move from rural to urban areas and where proportion of urban population, industrial structure, lifestyles of the people...

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