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Addressing Gender-Biased Sex Selection and Skewed Sex Ratio at Birth in China: Case Summary

Gender equality is a human right and a precondition for further development and poverty alleviation. Empowered women can contribute to health and productivity of family and communi...

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Outcome document of the second China-Africa conference on population and development

Outcome document of the second China-Africa conference on population and development, Guangzhou, China, 8-10 July 2018.

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Outcome document of the second China-Africa conference on population and development

Outcome document of the second China-Africa conference on population and development

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UNFPA China Policy Brief: Ending unintended pregnancies among Chinese youth by 2030

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by world leaders in 2015 outlined an integrated and ambitious development agenda towards 2030, where young people’s health, i...

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Rights-based advocacy kit on family planning

A rights-based advocacy kit on family planning developed by UNFPA, in cooperation with the China National Health and Family Planning Commission.

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Meeting report on women's health through life course and empowerment

A meeting report summarising the roundtable discussion on women's health through life course and empowerment in August 2017.

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The economic miracles and demographic dividend in China: Abstract

Demographic dividend is an economic concept based on demography. The important precondition of reaping demographic dividend is the demographic window created by demographic transit...

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UNFPA China Policy Brief: Towards a normal sex ratio at birth in China

As an expression of a harmful practice, gender-biased sex selection (GBSS) in favor of boys is a symptom of pervasive social, cultural, political and economic injustices against gi...

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UNFPA China Policy Brief: Equitable and healthy ageing as a driver of sustainable development in China

The largest aged population in the world are now living in China.

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