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Hard Struggles in Times of Change: A Qualitative Study on Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence in Contemporary China

Hard Struggles in Times of Change: A Qualitative Study on Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence in Contemporary China


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Hard Struggles in Times of Change: A Qualitative Study on Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence in Contemporary China

Publication date

01 January 2017

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This qualitative report, Hard Struggles in Times of Change: A Qualitative Study on Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence in Contemporary China, is part of the UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Pacific, a regional study on masculinities and gender-based violence coordinated by Partners for Prevention (P4P), a UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV Asia-Pacific regional joint programme for gender-based violence prevention. The qualitative study aims to look in-depth at individual men and women’s life histories to understand how they may have impacted on their gender practices and gender beliefs today in relation to gender-based violence in contemporary China.This study also aims to understand the trajectory of expression of (counter) hegemonic practices of masculinities and femininities across and throughout men and women’s lives, reflecting acceptance or rejection of violence in society.
