The Programme was mandated in December 1980 by UN General Assembly Resolution 35/201 (paragraph III-9) and renamed in September 2003 “Reham Al-Farra Memorial Journalists Fellowship Programme” to honour Ms. Reham Al-Farra, a young UN staff member killed in the bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad.
The Programme is sponsored annually since 1981 by the United Nations Department of Public Information as a fellowship Programme for junior and mid-level broadcasters and journalists from developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The Programme is designed for young (under 35) full-time journalists.
The 2015 Programme will be held in New York in 10 September -7 October. Up to four candidates (at least two are women) from China would be nominated to compete for the 15 slots globally.
Please go to the link to the Programme Website: for more details.