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Request for Proposals

Call for submissions: Internship on videography and photography

UNFPA China is looking for one to two full time interns to support the office communications and advocacy work, with a focus on multimedia design and video production from August-November 2023.

For more information please refer to the terms of reference (TOR).

24 July 2023

Request for proposals: For developing posters for the UN International Youth Day social media campaign

UNFPA is looking for an experienced designer/organization to design and promote the poster campaign for the UN International Youth Day.

For more information please refer to the terms of reference.

How to submit:

17 July 2023

Request for proposals: An implementing agency to design and conduct a youth innovation challenge on digital inclusion

UNFPA is looking for an implementing agency to design and conduct a youth innovation challenge on digital inclusion, aiming to:

30 June 2023

Request for proposals: An implementing institution to conduct a research on inclusive childcare services

UNFPA China is looking for an institution to conduct a research on incorporation of childcare services into the public service system in China. 

12 May 2023

Request for proposals: An implementing institution to conduct a situation analysis on youth development in China

The UN Theme Group on Youth (UNTGY) in China is looking for an implementing institution to conduct a situation analysis on youth development in China, focusing on the following three pillars in line with the UN Youth Medium and Long-Term Youth Development Plan (2016-2025):

20 November 2022

Request for proposals: An implementing agency for conducting an innovation design thinking workshop during the UNFPA China Office Retreat 2022

UNFPA China is looking for an implementing agency with experts in design thinking to conduct a design thinking workshop during the UNFPA China Office Retreat. 

14 November 2022

Request for proposals: A video service company for planning and production of short video products on women and young people

UNFPA is looking for a professional media agency to work with UNFPA to plan and produce a series of short video products for dissemination on popular short video platforms in China in 2022 and beyond.

For more information please refer to the terms of reference.

How to submit:

09 October 2022

Request for proposals: An implementing institution to conduct an event marking the MIPAA + 20 for China

UNFPA China is looking for an institution to organise an event centering around the progress made in studies/researches on population ageing/well-being of older persons in China in the two decades of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) implementation during 2002-2022. 

29 September 2022

Request for proposals: An implementing institution to deliver the sexuality education course through live streaming

UNFPA China is looking for an institution to expand an 8-session comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) course through live streaming for middle school students in China. 

For more information please refer to the terms of reference.

26 August 2022

Request for proposals: A civil society organization to create and maintain the platform for gender equality and empowerment of women and girls

UNFPA China Office is seeking a civil society organization (hereafter “organization”) that can provide technical and operational support to create and maintain the platform for gender equality and empowerment of women and girls for achieving three transformative results in China, e.g.

21 August 2022
